Wanna reverse the changes of stress and aging on your face? Then you are at the right place, because Aura Skin Institute not only offer you treatment for fine lines, wrinkles and dark under eye circles but also for many other troublesome conditions like vein removal, rosacea, telangiectasias, hemangiomas, sun damage, dyschromia, melasma, poikiloderma and angiomas. And, you’ll find that Aura Skin Institute simplifies skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments pretty effectively, making you look better and beautiful.

One of the latest options to rejuvenate your skin is by the use of lasers. This technique mainly helps to reduce the problem of wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation and scars. The procedure of skin rejuvenation is often called “laser peel.” It stimulates the formation of new skin cells and includes the removal of the damaged outer layers of skin.
AuraSkinInstitute has introduced India’s first i-pixel, ablative laser for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. It gives you smooth, youthful and glowing skin free of pigmentation, open pores and fine lines.
Aura repeats its feat once again by bringing the latest fractional, non-ablative skin resurfacing innovation – Pixel Q-Switch Laser, for the first time in the country! Its revolutionary technology delivers controlled, pixilated laser beam at the proper depth in the dermis without harming the overlying epidermis/outer skin. It is virtually painless, takes only 15-20 minutes and has zero recovery time. And you can enter straight into a party and flaunt your vibrant skin, without letting anyone notice the procedure you have undergone minutes before! Thus this laser is a blessing for those who want instant brightening results and have no time to go for other time consuming aesthetic procedures.
The latest addition in our kitty of lasers are SSR 540 laser and Clearlight 420 lasers. These lasers very effectively takes away imperfections like acne, redness and other brown spots from the face. It adds vibrant glow on the face instantly, so there is no risk of any downtime if you plan to go to some important event immediately after the procedure.
Laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment is based on the use of laser beams of light delivered over the face or troubled area. Latest Pixel Q-switch laser is absolutely pain free, while for ablative laser treatment, some sensitive individuals may require application of numbing gel. Following the procedure, soothing sprays and creams are applied and finally a coat of sunscreen is applied before sending off the client.
Is it right for me?
Laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation technique is suitable for all the patients in any age group; who want to have more youthful skin; or are seeking treatment for the problem of pigmentation, wrinkles, sun damage, acne marks and any other type of skin flaws and imperfections. An ideal candidate for this laser skin improvement technique is someone who holds realistic expectations and is ready to discuss any laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation concerns at the time of consultation with the doctor. Basically, cosmetic laser skin resurfacing is a treatment for reducing the appearance of imperfections on the skin’s surface. This method is also known as laser skin rejuvenation or peel due to its awesome anti-aging benefits, as it peels away the damaged skin layers and promotes a smoother and clearer looking skin.
The cost of cosmetic laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenating treatment is quite less in comparison to many other skin improving options. This laser skin method shows wonderful results, especially in treatment of mild to moderate skin wrinkling on the facial areas. It also helps to improve the tone and texture of the skin and takes care of the problem of pigmentation, dark under eye circles and scars.
At AuraSkinInstitute, the cost of this laser treatment is extremely genuine and reasonable. Here, we offer safe and effective treatment options by clearlight 420 laser, SSR 540 laser, i-Pixel 2940 laser and Pixel Q-switch 1064 laser.
FAQs About Laser Skin Resurfacing & Rejuvenation
- What is the best treatment option for my skin rejuvenation if I can afford one week off from work?
- The latest state-of-the-art i-pixel Erbium laser is the best bet for you if you can afford one week off from your work. The technology delivers exemplary results in terms of rejuvenation and resurfacing and is safest on Indian and Asian skin types.
- What will be my Skin Care Regime during the treatment?
- You need to follow NO SUN, NO SOAP regimen for next 7 days. The healing of resurfaced skin is always better if you keep your skin moist and sun-protected. Apply sunscreen with SPF 50 every 3 hourly and keep the area moist with twice daily mild steroid application and liberal use of non-comedogenic moisturizer. The end result is younger looking, glowing and confident You!
- What about fotofacials? Do they really work?
- These facials are based on light based technology and work mainly on pigmentation though stimulate collagen production to some extent but has very less effect on open pores, scars and wrinkles as compared to fractional ablative lasers, which are known to give exceptional results for rejuvenation.
- What can I do about the tiny broken blood vessels all over my face?
- You can take IPL treatment or radiofrequency treatment for broken vessels.
- I had microdermabrasion at a spa but got no substantial results? How different is this treatment going to be from microdermabrasion?
- Microdermabrasion is a tool mainly used for abrading the superficial layers of skin. It helps in shedding the dead cell layers and improving the texture to some extent. Laser rejuvenation on the other hand is deeper penetration of laser rays resulting in new collagen synthesis and improvement in pigmentation by targeted effects on melanin pigment. The results are surely longer lasting due to ablative nature of Erbium YAG laser.
- Why is CO2 laser resurfacing technique considered the best?
- CO2 Laser is considered the best resurfacing tool due to its aggressive nature and deeper penetration power. The results are amazing as far as resurfacing of a scarred skin is concerned but it may have significant side effects in terms of troublesome pigmentation especially in Asian and Indian skin. This technique is best for white race or skin type 1 to 3, but surely not for Indian, Asian or African skin types which range between type 3 to 6. Meaning latter skin types have high tendency for pigmentation due to presence of pigment melanin. Results of pixel Erbium laser are comparable to CO2 laser minus the side effects; hence, Pixel Erbium is best tool on Indian skin taking risk-benefit ratio into consideration.
- How is the procedure done?
- The procedure is done by giving 2 to 5 passes of laser over face. It needs no anaesthesia; however some sensitive individuals may require application of numbing gel. Following procedure, soothing sprays and creams are applied and finally a coat of sunscreen is applied before sending off the client.
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."

We are all born with smooth, supple, baby-soft skin. But as we travel through this journey called "life", our skin is subjected to innumerable harsh conditions which can leave premature signs of aging on our face like wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation. Also there can be birthmarks, tattoo marks or scars left by some diseases or injuries. We, at AuraSkinInstitute are well aware of these concerns and we offer you technologically highly advanced lasers operated by fully trained personnel. So come to us and leave behind all your skin worries!
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