Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed all over the world for permanent reduction of body hair. Lasers act by causing localized and selective damage to melanin pigment within the hair follicle, while not heating the rest of the skin. Currently used lasers for hair removal include the Pulsed diode laser, Nd:YAG laser and the IPL or intense pulsed light laser.
The latest is award-winning Soprano ICE which offers breakthrough hair removal technology by incorporating multiple laser wavelengths and technologies including 810 Diode and Alex 755 wavelengths. It uses a solid-state laser based on an Alexandrite wavelength, allowing for even better energy absorption by the melanin chromophore. Soprano ICE is the latest innovation, is US FDA approved and has recently been launched by ALMA lasers. Additional cooling in this technology (from where it derives its name ICE) makes treatment virtually painless.
It is suited for all skin types (specifically Indian skin) and is effective for both coarse and fine (thin) hair. Another unique advantage with this laser is that it also reduces the pigmentation in the treated area.
Always at the forefront, Aura Skin Institute yet again remains the pioneer in bringing this latest technology at Chandigarh as it introduces Soprano ICE to its Indian clients for the first time in the country.
Advantages with Soprano ICE

- Faster treatment times. The Soprano ICE can operate at 10 hertz per second, creating one of the fastest treatment times in the world. It is continuous and can cover large body areas in very short span of time.
- Additional cooling to minimize patient discomfort. Its advanced cooling technology cools the skin during treatment for longer periods of time, thus there is no risk of burns on the skin. Contact Cooling increases patient comfort, making treatments more enjoyable than ever before.
- Virtually painless treatment without the use of anesthesia or numbing gels. No pre-treatment times required to apply numbing agents or local anesthetic agents. So no jeopardizing with your comfort when you come for hair removal laser.
- Specially designed Facial tip. For removal of unwanted hair from hard to reach areas like ear lobes, nostrils and glabella. It is also extremely useful in areas where you need more precision like eyebrow and beard shaping.
- SHR and In-Motion™ technology produces extremely effective results. Its 4th generation Super Hair Removal (SHR) laser which uses Advanced Fluorescent Technology (AFT) incorporates all the wavelengths which are effectively absorbed by melanin (780nm – 900nm); while other lasers use only single wavelength. It is very safe to be used on delicate areas like face, arm-pits and bikini area. Also its latest in-Motion™ technology has completely revolutionized the process of hair removal as it ensures that it works continuously and there are no skipped areas.
Laser Hair Reduction Procedure
Waxing, bleaching or threading should be avoided prior to laser hair removal as hair is the target. Don’t shave the area atleast 48 hours prior to laser treatment. The hair above the skin to be treated is trimmed away just before the procedure. You will be asked to wear dark glasses to protect your eyes from the laser light. Next, a cold gel is spread over the treatment area. The laser handpiece is applied to your skin and pulses of light begin destroying your unwanted hair roots. Apply cool packs or wet compresses after the procedure, followed by a good SPF sunscreen. Harsh rubbing of treated area, hot and sauna baths should be avoided for 24 hrs; and no sun exposure for atleast one week.
Permanent Hair Reduction Vs Permanent Hair Removal
Though many use these terms interchangeably, but “Permanent hair removal” is a misnomer. This is due to the fact that one achieves upto 80-90% hair reduction after the laser treatments and few patients may experience some regrowth of hair even after their last treatment. This means that although laser treatments will permanently reduce the total number of body hair; they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair. That is why Hair removal lasers approved by US FDA are for “permanent hair reduction” and not removal.

Side Effects of Laser Hair Reduction
The modern lasers (especially SHR and diode lasers) are absolutely safe and painless. However, some minor side effects may occur after laser hair removal treatments in the form of itching, redness, and swelling around the treatment area. These side effects are usually self-limiting and don’t need any medication.
But a word of caution – before you chose any laser treatment for your unwanted hair, you must consult a Dermatologist. A detailed medical history followed by a clinical examination is a must so as to first ascertain the cause of unwanted hair growth. It is very important to rule out any underlying systemic condition or hormonal aberrations before starting the treatment.
How much does Laser Hair removal cost in Chandigarh?
Laser hair reduction treatment is relatively expensive when compared to traditional hair removal methods (like waxing, bleaching or threading). The popularity of Laser hair removal is because of its speed and efficacy, which depends upon the skill of the laser operator and availability of latest laser technology. The actual cost varies depending upon body part and the size of the area to be treated. The most effective laser for coarse hair is Diode and for fine hair is Alexandrite.
The new age lasers are combination lasers, in-motion technology without ugly skip areas, virtually painless, less time consuming and give you results as fast as in 6 to 8 sessions. It is always advisable to take treatment under the direct supervision of a dermatologist or a physician so that your safety is never compromised. ALWAYS to go for US FDA approved lasers and don’t fall prey to cheaper options as nothing can be more important than one’s health. Regarding choosing the payment plan between ‘Package Vs Individual laser session’, it is more of a personal choice. But beware that under the garb of a package, many a times patients are not given the required laser sittings; so they don’t get the desired results and thus in turn package actually costs them more than the individual sessions. To avoid such instances, one may chose to pay for the individual laser sessions.
FAQs About Laser Hair Reduction
When it comes to choosing a laser hair reduction treatment, many people find themselves surrounded with lots of queries. They get confused about the safety and efficacy of this method. Also they are not able to take a decision about which centre to chose and why? One should go for the latest, efficacious and safe laser devices which are best suited for Indian skin and are effective on both coarse and fine hair. You should take the treatment only from established centers having fully trained and qualified personnel and doctors. Still have doubts?? Then find the answers of your queries here:
- What are the favorable areas for laser hair removal?
- Any area all over the body where you are bothered with unwanted hair growth is favorable area for laser hair reduction. With advanced 4th generation AFT SHR Laser technology, safety profile is significantly high even for delicate body parts like face, underarms and bikini area.
- Who is the perfect candidate for laser hair treatment?
- Anyone and everyone who wants to get rid of his or her unwanted body hair. Best results are obtained in persons who have unwanted hair growth but normal hormonal profile. But there is always a ray of hope for those who have hirsutism (excessive hair growth) due to hormonal imbalance; provided they are simultaneously treated for abnormal hormonal profile. Of course, number of sittings will be more in these people and they might need maintenance therapy as well.
- What happens during a treatment?
- The hair above the skin is trimmed away. You may be asked to wear dark glasses to protect your eyes from the laser light. Next, a cold gel is spread over the treatment area. The laser handpiece is applied to your skin and pulses of light begin destroying your unwanted hair roots. After the procedure, when the gel is removed, much of the hair gets wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area will progressively fall out over a two-week period.
- Should I restrict any activities before & after treatment?
- There is no need to restrict your day to day activities. Threading and bleaching is not allowed during laser sittings. Absolute photo-protection must be observed, meaning you must apply sunblocks with good SPF every three hourly and direct rays on face should be avoided.
- Is it completely safe? What are the side effects?
- Yes, the modern lasers (especially SHR and diode lasers) are absolutely safe. Some minor side effects may occur in the form of itching, redness, and swelling around the treatment area. These side effects are usually self limiting and don't need any medication. Following the treatment, you can return to work and resume all regular activities immediately.
- How many treatment sessions will be there and why multiple sessions?
- Usually 6-8 treatment sessions are sufficient if you have normal Hormonal profile. However these also vary depending upon the area being treated. And if you have altered hormonal profile, then you may require maintenance sittings at variable interval. You need more than one sitting, because at any one time, not all hair follicles are 'active', and only active hair follicles can be affected and destroyed by the laser treatment. 'Inactive' hair follicles can be treated as they become 'active' over time. That's why an average of 6-8 treatments is required to remove all hair.
- Will my hair ever grow back, and if yes, then after how long?
- This is permanent hair reduction where laser reduces around 90 % hair permanently. The remaining 10% hair become very fine and grow at a very slow rate, thus become imperceptible and ultimately stop bothering you. There is chance of regrowth only if some underlying hormonal problem crops up in future.
- Is the treatment painful?
- No, most of the modern lasers are absolutely painless. The latest Super hair removal (SHR) laser with in-Motion™ technology has completely revolutionized the process of hair removal. It is continuous, virtually pain-free hair removal without the use of any anesthesia or numbing gels. It is very fast and can cover large body areas in very short span of time.
- How much Hair Removal will cost me?
- The cost is determined by the body part and area you chose. One can get attractive packages if going for more than one body part at a time!
- Will it leave any scar on my skin?
- No, Never! This risk is never seen with this technology though it was common with conventional lasers.
- Can laser be also used for procedures like eyebrow and beard shaping?
- Yes, the latest Soprano ICE laser has a specially designed 'Facial Tip' which is used for eyebrow and beard shaping. So say goodbye to your nagging and painful saloon visits and achieve the most desirable results with this laser absolutely painfree. This tip can also be used to remove unwanted hair from other hard to reach areas like ear lobes, nostrils and glabella.
- Is the laser treatment cost 'Tax Deductible' as a medical expense?
- Since this is purely a Cosmetology procedure so unlikely to be tax deductible.
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."

We are all born with smooth, supple, baby-soft skin. But as we travel through this journey called "life", our skin is subjected to innumerable harsh conditions which can leave premature signs of aging on our face like wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation. Also there can be birthmarks, tattoo marks or scars left by some diseases or injuries. We, at AuraSkinInstitute are well aware of these concerns and we offer you technologically highly advanced lasers operated by fully trained personnel. So come to us and leave behind all your skin worries!
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