Are you looking for a permanent solution for baldness/hair loss? It is but natural that each one of us, who has baldness, wants his hair restored back to its strong and healthy state. The only way to achieve this permanently is by getting a HAIR TRANSPLANT done. And now there is a reason to cheer about as AuraSkinInstitute offers you one of the most advanced techniques in hair restoration! So, leave all your worries and pre-conceived notions behind, as you are going to be in SAFE hands!!!
Hair Transplantation is a surgical method in which the hair follicles from one area of the body (the donor site) are transplanted to the bald or balding portions (the recipient site). This technique is basically used to treat the problem of ‘male pattern baldness’. It can be done by two techniques: follicular unit transplant (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUT or strip method, a strip of skin containing hair is removed from the donor area and then dissected into many individual follicular units which are later implanted over the affected area. However, it leaves a linear scar at the back of the head and this technique is rarely used nowadays. In FUE technique, follicular units are extracted individually from patient’s donor area; hence there is no incision or stitch.
Who can benefit from Hair Transplantation?
Anyone who is looking for permanent solution to baldness; has no serious illness and is more than 22 years of age can get the Hair Transplant done.
What should be the ideal results after Hair Transplantation?
Bald area covered with hair, which look completely natural giving natural hairline, grow like normal hair, can undergo hair cutting and styling just like normal hair. They are permanent, survive life-long and are not affected by the male or female patterned hair loss.
FUE Hair Transplant at Aura Skin Institute, Chandigarh
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is a special technique of extracting or harvesting donor hair which are later implanted into the bald area of the recipient. In this hair restoration technique, follicular units are extracted individually from patient’s donor area, one by one. This method of FUE hair transplantation is also used for beard, moustache and eyebrow transplantation.
FUE hair transplant is ‘No incision, No stitch’ technique and is considered superior to conventional strip-harvesting / FUT (follicular unit transplantation) method because, in strip harvesting, a strip of skin containing hair is removed from back of the scalp which is then dissected into individual follicular units.
Our experienced hair transplant team at Aura uses this FUE technique for hair harvesting; and recreates your hairline to give you permanent and natural-looking results. Every hair transplant is fortified with power packed growth factors in the form of PRP therapy for faster, denser and more natural results.
The 1st benchmark study from India to show the scientific evidence of “Benefits of PRP therapy when done with Hair Transplant in achieving faster, denser & more natural hair growth” was published by our institute.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28815175
Hair Transplant in Chandigarh – WHY Aura Skin Institute?
- AuraSkinInstitute is a one-stop destination for all your hair queries. It has the most advanced Hair Transplant Studio having fully dedicated transplant team and world class Operation Theatre conforming to “International Hair Transplant Norms”. Our OT is equipped with temperature and humidity controls, reclining chair for enhanced patient comfort and special LED lights. These are cold lights and don’t produce any heat, hence no chance of any damage to the hair roots; a problem common with Halogen OT bulbs, where chances of graft failure increase due to the detrimental effects of heat generated by halogen bulbs of OT light. We use high-end surgical equipments required for the procedure including state-of-the-art, 3rd generation micro-motor of Safe Scribe System, USA (US, FDA approved) for hair harvesting and 4X eye-loops for magnification, to name a few.
Hair transplantation is not only a science, but also an art. Thereby meaning that in addition to the high-tech infrastructure, it also requires highest level of skill and aesthetic intelligence. And that’s where AuraSkinInstitute scores a point. For that to believe, you need to come once and experience our services! We plan the hairline, define the layout, extract and implant the grafts with extreme precaution.
- At AuraSkinInstitute, first we evaluate all your concerns and expectations in a very personal and one-to-one consultation maintaining strict confidentiality. We provide you with all the information you need to help you make an educated decision to undergo hair transplant.
- We perform hair transplant using the latest ‘No incision, No stitch’ technique called FUE (Follicular unit extraction), for harvesting individual hair follicle units which can be taken from back of scalp, chest, arms or legs. This technique gives better results in giving natural look to your hair and hairlines. We also give intraoperative PRP therapy which not only enhances the results of grafted follicles but also strengthens the existing hair roots.
- We, at AuraSkinInstitute, create a Personalized Hair Loss Treatment Plan for You! Every person is unique, and so is your hair loss condition. We consider your gender, age, intensity of hair loss and its pattern; your medical history and your dietary habits in addition to your desire and budget. All this marks the Individual Treatment Plan! We aim to increase the yield of the transplanted hair as well as to stimulate or regenerate the residual/remaining hair.
- AuraSkinInstitute is one of India’s renowned Hair Restoration Centres where hair transplantation is done at very genuine and affordable prices.
FUE Hair Transplant: Advantages
The recent developments in the cosmetic microsurgery, like FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), deserves a big thanks from all those who are suffering from severe hair loss problem. Not only does it guarantee the most natural results, also there is hardly any complication involved in this method. This procedure is suitable for all kinds of hair loss problem in both men and women.
There is no incision given in this technique, so there is no question of any stitch. The recovery is very fast with minimal pain. No sensory loss is noted in the donor area in post-operative period. So one can resume work immediately after the surgery. In case of insufficient donor area at the back of scalp, one can collect hair from other body parts like legs, chest, arms or back. The grafts collected by this technique can also be used in the eyebrow, moustache and beard transplantation. Also it is easy to implant hair at correct angles in the direction of their growth; thus it gives absolutely natural hair lines and overall good density of hair.
FUE Hair Transplant: Versus FUT / Strip method
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT/Strip (Follicular Unit Transplantation) are the two main techniques used for the purpose of hair transplantation. The difference between these two methods lies in the way by which the follicular units are removed from the donor part.
In FUE method, follicular units are extracted individually from patient’s donor area, one by one. While in FUT or strip method, a strip of skin is removed containing a group of follicular units which are later on dissected into individual hair follicles. The main differences between the technique of FUE and FUT are summarized below:
FUT | FUE | ||
During Surgery | Incision, Stitches and Scar | Skin is cut and closed with stitches, which leaves a Linear scar | No incision, No stitch |
Bleeding during surgery | Mild to moderate | Minimal | |
Post-op Pain and Numbness | Mild | No pain, No numbness | |
Time during which the doctor operates | Surgeon doctor does only 30%, while 70% of the procedure is done by Technicians | Doctor has to do 80% of the procedure, while only 20% is assisted by technicians | |
Chances of graft desiccation | More | Minimal | |
Surgery Time | Less | Almost double the FUT method | |
Donor Area | Only Back of Head | Can be chest, legs or other body parts also | |
After the Surgery | After the Surgery Chances of graft survival | 70-80% | 85-95% |
Heavy physical activity after surgery | Restricted for 2 weeks | No restrictions | |
Donor area healing | 2-4 weeks | 2-4 days | |
Time period after which patient can resume routine work | 2-3 days | Next day itself | |
Chances of graft infection | Less | Minimal | |
Results | Natural Hairline and Hair growth | Good | Excellent |
FUE Hair Transplant: Before the Transplant
We advise certain pre-operative checks before we take you for hair transplant:
- Do NOT take any aspirin or any drugs containing aspirin (May use Tylenol).
- Do NOT smoke and Do NOT drink any alcohol.
- Discontinue Ibuprofen and Naproxen (Advil, Motrin, etc.)
- Do not take multivitamins, as these can increase bleeding. They can be resumed three days following surgery.
- BLOOD INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood counts with coagulation profile, RFT, LFT, HIV, HBsAg, ANTI HCV, FBS, HbA1C
- Please drink 1 – litre of fluids the day before surgery
- Trimming of your hair especially in the donor area to size zero (approximately 2 mm length) an evening before the day of surgery.
- Try to get at least good eight hours of sleep.
- Reports of all investigations to be shown to Doctor.
- Take antibiotic as prescribed.
- Take head bath with gentle shampoo in the morning. Do not apply sprays, gels, or any other styling products to your hair.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably a shirt with front-side buttons and NOT a T-SHIRT) on the day of surgery which does not need to be pulled on over your head. This will prevent dislodging your bandage or damaging your grafts immediately after surgery.
- Please do not wear any cologne or perfume on the day of your procedure.
- Do NOT come empty stomach on the day of your surgery. Have light breakfast at home and rest of the meals and snacks for the day will be provided by us.
- You may be given some medications during the procedure that can make you drowsy. So it is advisable that you don’t drive yourself home following your procedure. Please arrange to have a responsible person drive you back to your destination. Else you inform us in advance and we can arrange a taxi for you (taxi charges will be borne by you).
- Please avoid bringing any valuables on the day of surgery (like laptop, jewellary etc.)
- Take medicine as prescribed in the morning,
- Your blood pressure will be recorded and local patch test will be done in the morning before we proceed for surgery.
- Blood investigations: Complete blood count with coagulation profile; and screening tests for HIV, Hepatitis and diabetes.
- Your medical history or any medication if you are taking regularly.
- Trimming of your hair especially in the donor area to size zero (approximately 2 mm length) an evening before the day of surgery.
- Take head bath with gentle shampoo in the morning. Do not apply sprays, gels, or any other styling products to your hair.
- Don’t come fasting on the day of surgery. Have light breakfast at home before coming for surgery. Rest of the meals and snacks will be provided by us.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing (preferably a shirt with front-side buttons and NOT a T-SHIRT) on the day of surgery which does not need to be pulled on over your head. This will prevent dislodging your bandage or damaging your grafts immediately after surgery.
- Antibiotic as prescribed to be started one evening before surgery and to be continued for 1 week.
- Stop smoking and drinking atleast one week before and one week after the surgery.
- You may be given some medications during the procedure that can make you drowsy. So it is advisable that you don’t drive yourself home following your procedure. Please arrange to have a responsible person drive you back to your destination. Else you inform us in advance and we can arrange a taxi for you (taxi charges will be borne by you).
- Avoid bringing any valuables on the day of surgery (like laptop, jewellary etc.)
FUE Hair Transplant: During the Transplant (Procedure)
- Under all aseptic precautions, the donor area at the back of your scalp is prepared and locally anesthetized to eliminate pain during the surgery.
- Graft harvesting is started using automated, 3rd generation micromotor – of Safe Scribe System (US, FDA approved). Using specific needle points with a diameter of 0.7–0.9mm, grafts are collected. This automated system significantly decreases the operation time, the chances of transaction are very minimal as its tip is blunt and hair roots are collected in a very efficient manner.
- The number of grafts to be collected depends upon the bald area to be covered. Larger the bald area, more are the number of grafts required. The number of hair in each graft is variable and it can be vary from 1-3.
- The grafts collected by this method can also be used in the eyebrow, moustache and beard transplantation.
- While collecting the grafts, other members of operating team separate these grafts into groups (depending upon grafts containing 1 hair, 2 hair or 3 hair) and keep them at specific temperature in a special cold isotonic solution.
- Then the recipient or target area is locally anesthetized. Slits or micro channels are created keeping in mind the natural angle and direction of the hair, to plant the healthy roots.
- Then the implantation of the grouped grafts starts. The most important point here is planting the grafts appropriate to the direction in which hair grows.
- Grafts that contain 1 hair strand and root are implanted on the front to create frontal hair line. Grafts with 2 or 3 roots and hair strands are implanted in the middle to give natural density of the hair.
- After the implantation is complete, bandage is placed around the donor area and the recipient area is left open. That completes the procedure of hair transplantation.
- Total procedure time depends upon the number of grafts to be implanted. On an average, we take 8-10 hours for 3000 grafts.
FUE Hair Transplant: After the Transplant
- Immediately following surgery you should plan to go home and rest (minimal activity) until the next morning.
- Spray Normal Saline on recipient area every 2-3hrs for 2days after the transplant.
- To help decrease swelling, sleep with your head elevated at a 45 degree angle for 1-3 nights following surgery (Refer to Section II, ii.).
- Do NOT use any aspirin-containing products or drink alcohol or smoke for 3-5 days following surgery.
You have been given medications for discomfort. This discomfort may be present for 24-72 hours following the procedure; however it should diminish with time and healing. Please keep taking medicines as prescribed by the Doctor. -
If you develop some swelling over the forehead, across the bridge of the nose and around eyes, it is normal after transplant. So medicines which are prescribed should be taken accordingly at the time of surgery and after the surgery. In some individuals, this swelling can persist on third and fourth day after transplant surgery, but you should not worry as it will pass-off automatically. -
Generally there is no bleeding, however if the graft or donor area bleeds on the night of surgery, apply pressure with gauze moistened with tap water. If bleeding does not stop with firm pressure applied for 10 minutes, call the office immediately. -
Infection is rare. Avoid exposure to dirt in the air at work or at play for 2 weeks following surgery. Do not touch the donor area or the transplanted grafts except with clean hands to reduce the chance of an infection. If there is any increasing tenderness or redness and swelling around the surgical site, report to the doctor immediately. -
- Crusts will usually fall off in 7 – 10 days though sometimes this can last little longer.
- Apply Olive oil to moisten and soften the crusts, if they are prominent. You can massage oil in gentle circular strokes 1 week after the surgery. It the crusts are itchy within 1st week, you can simply dab them will oil soaked swab.
Parts of your scalp may feel numb following surgery. This is normal and will subside over the coming weeks to months. Unusual sensations, pins and needles, and occasionally mild discomfort may occur as the nerves take some time to regenerate. -
Spray Normal Saline on transplanted area every 2-3hrs for 2days after the transplant. Beginning on 3rd the day after surgery, you may begin to wash your hair gently in the shower. Pour shampoo mixed water (preferably in a mug) on the grafts to help rinse the graft sites followed by regular water headbath. Try not to let the water beat directly onto the recipient area where the grafts are implanted. 7th day onwards, you can start light circular (clockwise and anti-clockwise) strokes around the grafted area while shampooing your head. Avoid catching the grafts with your fingernails. Now you can also start gentle oil massage in the transplanted area. This will also keep the crusts soft and moist. Try to avoid hair dryers for 1 month, especially the hot ones. -
- Refrain from heavy work or strenuous sports activities for 1 week.
- Refrain from weight lifting or heavy lifting or swimming in chlorinated water for 2 weeks.
- Some people return to light work the day following surgery, although most people prefer to take 2-3 days off. Because of the possibility of swelling and some crusting following surgery, some people prefer to take one week off following surgery, though there are no such restrictions from our side.
Normal activities may be resumed after the number of days indicated below:
Post-operative Activities | Time Period |
Pour shampoo mixed water on the grafts followed by regular water headbath | 3 Days |
Light circular motion when shampooing of the grafts | 7 Days |
Gentle oil massage | 7 Days |
Light exercises (stretching, brisk walking etc.) | 5 Days |
Swimming, Running and other strenuous sports | 1 Month |
Use of hairdryer | 1 Month |
At Aura Skin Institute we strive to facilitate your hair transplant process through honest advice, powered by world class technology.
Happy Hair Growth!
FUE Hair Transplant: How the transplanted hair behave?
Time Period | Condition of Transplanted Hair |
At the end of 1 week | Transplanted hair look like close-cropped beard with tiny crusts popping-up over them |
At the end of 1 Month | Half of transplanted hair still visible. Rest break down just above skin surface. |
At the end of 2 Months | New growth starts appearing |
At the end of 3 Months | New hair strands appear and begin to grow |
At the end of 6 Months | Almost all grafts are in growing phase. The hair strands thicken and start getting noticed |
At the end of 8 Months | Proper density of transplanted hair is achieved |
At the end of 1 Year | Adaptation period ends. Your hair are fully grown. Recognition and appreciation starts! |
FAQs About Hair Transplant
- How does this hair transplantation work?
- For hair transplant, Hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp and planted at the balding area. The hair follicles from this donor area are not sensitive to the effect of testosterone hormone which is the main cause of androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness), hence the hair follicles taken from this area don't fall over a period of time.
- Are the results completely natural?
- The hair line is drawn seeing the face cut and proportions of the face. While implanting, the direction of implanted hair is matched with existing hair. Final outcome is definitely a natural look.
- How long will the treatment take?
- The duration of surgery depends upon the number of hair follicles to be implanted. Usually, implantation of 3000 grafts requires about 8 hrs and can be done in one day.
- Will this treatment hurt me?
- The procedure is done under local anaesthesia. So the pain will be felt only for a few minutes while anaesthetizing the area.
- What is the cost of the whole treatment?
- The cost is calculated after assessing the number of grafts required to cover the bald area.
- How many grafts/hair will I need?
- It depends upon the area of baldness. We have given a graft calculator to give you rough estimate of the number of grafts you will require for transplantation.
- How long will it take to recover completely?
- With our FUE technique, one can join the work place on the next day of surgery. You can start shampooing your hair from 3rd day of surgery and the transplanted follicles will crust by 7th day of surgery.
- When will my new hair start to grow naturally?
- The transplanted hair fall off temporarily after 1 month of surgery and start growing naturally by 3 to 6 months.
- Will anyone be able to judge about my treatment?
- Only during the initial few days of surgery when you have crusting over the transplanted site, which may be noticed. Otherwise FUE is completely scarless surgery and hair growth you will get will be completely natural.
- Do I need to shave my head before treatment?
- No, you don't need to shave your head. We recommend you to get your hair clipped with number 0 machine (which leaves approx. 2 mm hair length).
- Are the results of the hair transplantation permanent?
- Yes, the results of hair transplant are permanent. The rate of hairfall will be the same as that of hair over back of your scalp.
- Can females undergo this treatment?
- Yes, females can also undergo this treatment.
- Any scars afterwards?
- No, FUE is "No stitch" hair transplant technique.
- What should be the time gap between individual treatment sessions?
- FUE can be undertaken on two subsequent days, though for best results, a gap of 3 months is recommended.
- Can I undergo this transplantation while taking some other medical treatment?
- It is very essential to discuss all your medical problems and medications with your doctor before you are taken up for this surgery. You may be asked to discontinue or modify few medicines before surgery.
- Are there any side-effects of hair transplantation?
1. There can be some swelling over the forehead, across the bridge of the nose and around the eyes on the 3rd day of surgery; but it is generally self limiting and passes off in next 2-3 days.
2. Some patients may develop numbness over the transplanted area which can persist from few days to few weeks. It is because of the local anaesthesia used during hair transplantation. But it is also self limiting, and does not interfere with the day-to-day activities of the patient.
- Is it possible to take hair from another person?
- Hair transplant is a much simpler surgery than other organ transplants, simply because of the fact that the graft hair used in this technique are taken from one’s own body. But if you will take hair from someone else, then there are high chances of graft rejection or you need to take expensive and risky immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of your life.
"I knew I was going bald when it was taking longer and longer to wash my face."