Facial hair transplant is a procedure generally done on the men who suffer from spotty or patchy loss of hair from goatee, other parts of the beard, sideburns or moustache. The absence of hair could be hereditary or due to surgical scars, burns or other types of accidents. For some males, keeping a thick beard or moustache is a symbol of manhood and strength, while for others it is mandatory requirement in their religion. Moreover, it is also a fashion statement among many young men.
The beard and moustache transplant is more tricky and technical as direction and angle of hair changes in different areas of beard and moustaches. Thus it requires greater experience and meticulous planning by the surgeon to understand the natural pattern and has to be customised accordingly. Otherwise the surgical steps of transplant essentially remain the same as in FUE hair transplant.
At Aura, every beard and moustache transplant is fortified with power packed growth factors in the form of PRP therapy for faster, denser and more natural results. First randomised study from India for scientific evidence of PRP therapy with hair transplant was published from Aura itself.
Treatment Procedure
We use the same FUE technique what we use in hair transplantation over the scalp. The grafts are extracted from the donor site – back of the scalp. After this, these extracted grafts are transplanted on the patchy bald portions of the beard or moustache. Due to the abundant amount of hair from the donor site, almost all the patches can be covered and treated in a single sitting. So, beard or moustache transplantation usually gives very satisfying results. The transplanted hair grow naturally like other facial hair and can be trimmed or shaved.
"I knew I was going bald when it was taking longer and longer to wash my face."