A Double chin has always been looked upon as something unattractive, but what is it after all? A double chin is an accumulation of fat around the neck that appears as an extra fold, due to sagging skin. It’s not that only obese or elderly bear a double chin, sometimes people with average weight also fall a victim to it.
All depends upon their bone structure, amount of loose skin
and amount of fat cells in that region.
The most common cause of double chin is weight gain along with associated loss of soft tissue elasticity.
Sagging Facial Skin is also becoming an ugly trap for many. Face Lift or Face Tightening is the best way to deal with such an issue. With progressive age, due to weak bones, depleting fat volume, frailing muscles and loose skin, we tend to lose facial contours and volume. This loss of volume leads to wrinkly skin and decline in its youthful appearance.
A number of treatments are available these days, but they are not free from side-effects. At AuraSkinInstitute, you will be treated with non-surgical technique, with the non-invasive device called Exilis for Double Chin and Sagging facial skin. This technique is used for effective spot fat reduction from fat-prone areas. This treatment is free from any side effects and no general or topical anaesthesia is required. It is absolutely painless and takes just half an hour per sitting. Minimum 4 sittings are required for the desired results. Proper counselling and instructions are given regarding a healthy and low-fat diet along with demonstration of some good exercises targeting the problem area. You will get to see the desired results after four weeks of therapy.
FAQs About Double Chin and Facial Tightening
If you want to know more about double chin and facial tightening, here are the answers to your queries. Have a look!!
- What is the treatment for Double Chin and Facial Tightening?
- At Aura Skin Institute, you will be treated with a non-surgical, non-invasive device called Exilis for Double Chin and Sagging facial skin. This technique is also useful for effective spot fat reduction from affected areas.
- What is the procedure?
- During the session, a warming sensation is felt as the Exilis energy is passed on to the deeper layers of the skin. Advanced cooling is used to protect the skin while the energy heats up deep tissue. Constant and close monitoring of the temperature of the skin results in a successful treatment.
- Is the treatment painful or any side effects?
- No, the treatment is absolutely pain-free and free from any side effects in the future. You just have to believe in the efficiency of the treatment.
- How many treatment sessions do I require?
- Minimum 4-6 treatment sessions done at a gap of 10 days are required for the needed results. It is a lunch time procedure and each session takes just half an hour. You will get to see the desired results immediately after the first session.
- Any precautions?
- Low fat, healthy and balanced diet with regular exercises are the only instructions or precautions for this treatment. This treatment is not for the pregnant/lactating women and people with an implanted pacemaker or metal implants in the treatment area.
"Because being fat is depressing and it just brings me down."

Our mantra is to re-juvenate, re-enliven and re-fresh your skin using innovative and revolutionary medical techniques. We, at AuraSkinInstitute, offer treatments that are completely safe & reliable!!! All the Fat Reduction services, performed under the guidance of expert doctors, can be customized according to your need and lifestyle. We don't spare any room for insecurities or worries!! Leave all your inhibitions behind and surrender yourself to our Experts! You will come out completely satisfied!!!
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