Excessive fat deposits in buttocks are a sign of excessive production of the female hormone, estrogen. But it can create great discomfort among many women. This also deprives them from following certain fashion trends. In women with thin body frame, fatty buttocks appear disproportionate.
Body Contouring is the best way to get rid of buttock fat. It is all about removing the extra fat, reshaping the area and enhancing your appearance. For this purpose, we use the best ‘Non-invasive’ device for body contouring, fat reduction and skin tightening – EXILIS !!
AuraSkinInstitute has launched this first-of-its-kind machine in Northern India and has been imported from Prague, the Czech Republic. Exilis also results in improvement in tone and elasticity of skin. The major highlight of this body contouring device is that you experience absolutely no downtime, no pain and that is due to controlled and gradual heating leading to death of 30% fat cells and remaining cells become more compact and resistant to further fat collection. There is no requirement of anesthesia or numbing creams and no after care is needed. Quick treatment sessions repeated every ten days with progressive results that are long-lasting. Each session will take half an hour to the maximum. The whole treatment will take 4-6 sittings for ideal results. You will be given few instructions for a healthy and low-fat diet accompanied with regular exercises.
FAQs About Buttock Fat Reduction
If you want to know more about buttock fat, here are the answers to your queries. Have a look!!
- What is the treatment for Buttock Fat?
- Body Contouring is the best way to get rid of buttock fat. It is all about removing the extra fat, reshaping the area and enhancing your appearance. For this purpose, we use the best 'Non-invasive' device for body contouring, fat reduction and skin tightening – EXILIS !!
- What is the procedure?
- Exilis treats loose skin along with the small areas of fat, accumulated on the buttocks. The procedure involves the process of heating up the accumulated fat which gradually dissolves over several weeks to months.
- Is the treatment painful or any side-effects?
- Undergoing such a treatment is absolutely painless. You may join your work right after the session, as you will experience zero discomfort. As far as side effects are concerned, no complaint has been reported so far!
- How many treatment sessions do I require?
- Minimum 4-6 treatment sessions of 30-minutes for each done at a gap of 10 days are required for the needed results. You can join your workplace right after the sitting. It is a complete hassle-free treatment.
- Any precautions?
- This treatment is not for the pregnant/lactating women and people with an implanted pacemaker or metal implants in the treatment area.
"Because being fat is depressing and it just brings me down."

Our mantra is to re-juvenate, re-enliven and re-fresh your skin using innovative and revolutionary medical techniques. We, at AuraSkinInstitute, offer treatments that are completely safe & reliable!!! All the Fat Reduction services, performed under the guidance of expert doctors, can be customized according to your need and lifestyle. We don't spare any room for insecurities or worries!! Leave all your inhibitions behind and surrender yourself to our Experts! You will come out completely satisfied!!!
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